Molly and Scott: Wedding video at Wollaton Hall, Nottingham
Nottingham wedding videography at Wollaton Hall.
The absolute dreamboat of a wedding day for Molly and Scott at the stunning historic wedding venue Wollaton Hall in Nottingham.
Molly’s day began with excited preparations with her bridesmaids and bridesmen at the nearby Double Tree Hilton in Nottingham and I immediately knew it was going to be a special and unconventional wedding day - my favourite type of wedding day!
This gorgeous couple had what could be described as a back to front day, with the majority of their wedding portraits and group shots done and dusted before their ceremony. And not only that, but they also had an emotional ‘reveal’ with each other too, before they married in front of family and friends. A truly beautiful moment to share with them before their official nuptials commenced!
Film still: Molly and Scott's ceremony took place in the Great Hall at Wollaton Hall.
The BEST Nottingham wedding suppliers at Wollaton Hall.
I was absolutely overjoyed to be part of this incredible wedding team and my first shout out goes to the super lovely East Yorkshire based wedding photographer Amy Cawthorn Photography who was truly delightful to work with all day!
Molly’s bridal make up and wedding hair stylist team were wedding vendors Caroline Barnes MUA and Elegance Hair.
The venue’s styling and wedding decor was provided by the Nottingham and Derbyshire based Inspired Hire who did an incredible job in a beautiful space. Molly and Scott’s quick ceremony was also turned around quickly to become a beautiful wedding breakfast room, with an epic afternoon tea provied by wedding caterers Black Peppermint.
Film still: Smoke bombs in the evening at Wollaton Hall.
Looking for an eco-friendly wedding videographer in Nottingham?
I have filmed so many incredible wedding videos in Nottingham and Wollaton Hall was right up there with the best of them!
Having an eco-friendly wedding is becoming more and more important to my nearlyweds - all of us are trying to reduce our carbon footprint and weddings are no different. There are so many different eco-friendly choices you can make during your wedding planning process and choosing ethical wedding suppliers is probably the best way to achieve a low impact wedding.
My ethical promises for your wedding day include powering all of my editing with, and charging all my various batteries with renewable energy, as well as planting a tree for every wedding I film, and I even come to your wedding in my electric car to reduce my impact too. These are simple little things that I can do to help, and I’m sure your other wedding suppliers have lots of ideas too from replacing single use plastic and plenty of recyclable or compostable items.
If you would like to have a chat about how to make your wedding that little bit more eco-friendly, or you would just like to chat about your wedding plans, say hello below!